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The Powerful Technology

 As we all are leaving in 21st century, if I talk about technology so before 12 years ago technology is not powerful as compare today's technology. I know you all are thinking,  why I am saying it? So. Let's start to talk about those technology which can clear your doubts and give answers of your all questions. So, firstly I will talk about human face based and artificial intelligence related robot. These robots have power of intelligence and ability to express all kind of expressions according to situation. They can laugh, cry, excited and anxious etc. Now I will talk about Simone robot. Simone robot has ability to do all works with human and play everything with you if you are alone and most important thing is that it never make you feel alone now I will talk about sky walker hand this hand is helpful for those people who lost their hand and this hand will help to do all things whatever you want to do because it takes electrical signals from muscles of human. These all technology work like a human brain because in these item scientists put artificial intelligence that's why it's helpful for people. 
